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Monday, December 12, 2005

It is all about...

Promised to write regularly. But I can't.
I have an excuse; Just try to understand how I feel here.
To give you an example of a daily life, I've selected a normal day:

It was last week, Wednesday morning and I was going from my work-place to Tehran;
First scene: A minbus has almost pressed a DAEWOO. A Pride is also damaged to a large extent. The minibus, itself, is upside-down. A heavy traffic jam; A police car tries to get close to the scene, no help...
Second scene, the same road: Another car is bumped a column. The driver is fighting the death. He is almost gone. No help...
Third scene, the same road: A Samand has bumped a Pride. Pride is damaged largely...

Remember, a day earlier (Tuesday), a C-130 crashed,...

Now, what do you expect?


  • hallo!
    wie geht's dir? lange Zeit?! ich habe zwei email geschickt aber keine Antworten.
    schönen woche

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:34 AM  

  • Hey Cy,
    I heard the pollution is getting really out of hand too… with your description of a daily life in the streets, everything sounds like chaos. It seems like Iran is almost at the end…
    Take care of yourself dude…

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:06 PM  

  • cirous , ohaio , what are you doing ? it seems CHOTO MUSKASHI for you in iran ! take it easy !

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:16 AM  

  • take it easy, take your time, don't rush into things.
    we'll be longing and waiting for your
    beautiful words

    By Blogger nyx, at 9:27 AM  

  • I miss Tehran

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:08 AM  

  • taajob mikonam az to,3 sal pish ham hamin ghadr in chiza vasat gheyr e addi bood?hameye kesaee ke ghor o lond mikonan khodeshoon chi kar kardan vase in mamlekat?age gharar hast etefaghi biyofte bayad kar konim talash konim zahmat bekeshim ta biyofte ba tarif kardan e in chiza vase baghiye hich etefagh e khassi nemiyofte bavar kon,bekhosos vaghti chizaye manfi o tarif mikoni joz shayad aroom shodan e maghtaee khodet tor e dige ee nemishe,taze onam shayad.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:30 PM  

  • albatte cyrus e aziz dar mored e matni ke neveshtam ye chizi begam ke manzoram az kesaee ke ghor o lond mikonan to nisti,alan be nazram omad ke ino eslah konam inja

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:32 PM  

  • It's interesting how the topics of people's blogg changes when they move to Iran. Tasting some real life.

    By Blogger Mehrabaneman, at 1:15 PM  

  • expect nothing man,
    just try to be relax and od ur best to have a calm happy life however it's hard

    By Blogger Tarkhoon, at 12:34 PM  

  • Hey Cyrus,
    I wish you a very happy holiday and merry Xmas.
    All the best to you and your family & cheers :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:22 PM  

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